St Philip's Catholic Primary School

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"I have come that you might have life and have it to the full"

                                                                                                                                    John 10: 10


At St. Philip’s we acknowledge the need to address issues raised by the experience of pupils today. This takes place in an environment where children learn about personal and social development in the context of the Catholic faith. It is clear that every area of school life can potentially contribute to PSHE, as the school, by its very nature, operates through positive human relationships. 

We aim to provide an environment where pupils are informed about relationships in the context of the Catholic faith.  

Education is about growth and development of the whole human person.  It should aim to integrate a pupil’s: 

  • Intellectual  
  • Moral  
  • Spiritual  
  • Emotional  
  • Psychological  
  • Physical development.  

And so lead to full Christian maturity, human wholeness and flourishing, sense of worth and dignity.  


The Aims of PSHE

  • To encourage pupils’ growth in self-respect, acknowledging we are all created in the likeness of God.  
  • To help pupils develop an understanding that love is the central basis of relationships.  
  • To help pupils to understand the nature of relationships and to encourage them to reflect on their own relationships and respect differences between people.  
  • To develop pupil’s confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings, emotions and relationships.  
  • To help pupils acquire the skills necessary to develop and sustain relationships.  
  • To offer sex education in the wider context of relationships and in accordance with the school’s Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy.  
  • To ensure that pupils protect themselves and know how to ask for help and support when needed.  
  • To ensure that pupils are prepared for puberty.  
  • To ensure that pupils are prepared for transitions between classes, key stages and schools. 
  • To help pupils develop healthy and safe lifestyles. 
  • To prepare pupils to play an active role as citizens and to understand the Catholic vision of what it means to be citizens of the Kingdom of God.  

All staff recognise that they have an obligation in their various roles to contribute to PSHE.  

PSHE requires sensitive teaching with pupil activities, discussion and support materials being well matched to the age and level of understanding, needs and concerns of the pupils.  

The school’s Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy sets out guidelines for dealing with questions of a sensitive nature in relation to relationships and sex education and identifies the specific content to be taught.  

The Diocesan framework related mapping documents are used so that PSHE is delivered through a planned curriculum (Ten Ten) to ensure progression and continuity.  

Equal opportunities and Inclusion

 A central message of the Catholic faith is that although we are all different, God loves each one of us equally, regardless of background, gender or ability.  It is therefore vital that we recognise and cater for the individual needs of children, acknowledging that all children have different gifts and talents and that these should be celebrated.  Learning tasks should be matched to the abilities of the children to enable them to achieve success, helping them to develop to their full potential and to develop a positive self-image.  

We aim to ensure that resources do not reinforce any kind of stereotypes and that they do reflect our own school community. It is important that the children are provided with images, which reflect the multi-cultural society in which we live, enhancing their awareness and knowledge of other faiths and cultures, respecting the rights of the individual at all times.  This is essential in preparing children to take their places in a multi-cultural society.  

PSHE is delivered through:

  • General ethos of the school as witnessed by the pupils and underpinned by school policies.  
  • The Religious Education Programme (Ten Ten) 
  • Discrete teaching time and / or specific ‘blocked’ time for certain aspects of the programme Ten:Ten Scheme 
  • Making cross curricular links with science, history etc  
  •  The Use of CAFOD and other resource materials where appropriate and relevant 
  • Developing a learning climate which enables a response to opportunities that arise e.g. personal experience, school, local, national and international events.  
  • Developing opportunities for charity support and involvement in the community.  


Through PC groups once a week the children interact with other children from all 7 classes across the school and learn about topics such as anti-bullying week, remembrance day, religious festivals as well as living healthy and safe lives.  

The PSHE co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring the effective delivery of the PSHE programme which is well planned and appropriately matched to age and levels of understanding and in keeping with the Catholic ethos of the school.  

In matters relating to PSHE, especially Relationships and Sex Education, governors will consult parents on the contents of the programme and be given an opportunity to view resources.