St Philip's Catholic Primary School

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School Uniform


From October half term


  • grey trousers
  • white shirt
  • bottle green pullover (available with the school crest)
  • school tie (green with yellow stripes)
  • grey or black socks


  • green skirt or tunic, or grey tailored trousers (not jersey)
  • white blouse, green cardigan or pullover (available with the school crest)
  • school tie
  • white socks or bottle green tights

Footwear: black shoes that fit firmly to the feet.

Hair Accessories: all hair accessories should be in school colours, i.e. black, white or bottle green.


After Easter until October half term (weather permitting).


  • grey shorts or trousers
  • bottle green polo shirt (available with the school crest)
  • grey or black socks


  • bottle green and white checked summer dress
  • white socks
  • Girls may wear grey shorts or trousers and bottle green polo shirt if they prefer

Shoes:  please note that during warmer weather children’s feet need to be enclosed within sandals (not open or strappy).

Jewellery: One pair of stud earrings and a watch only are allowed to be worn. All jewellery must be removed by the pupil for P.E. lessons.

Hair: all long hair must be tied back as due to our exciting curriculum we are often active, cooking or doing experiments!


For both boys and girls:

  • bottle green shorts
  • P.E. shirts (available with the school crest or plain white T-shirts)
  • bottle green tracksuit bottoms
  • fleece

Footwear: black or white trainers.

All uniform can be bought from

Many reputable shops will also sell the basic items of our school uniform. The school office also has available second-hand items of uniform.

We try to operate the same dress codes as would be found in most professional jobs, offices and places of work. The children come to school primarily to work and to learn and the school uniform is diminished by attempts to look fashionable. Nothing should distract children from their learning. PLEASE CONSULT US’ before sanctioning any dramatic change in appearance, hair, jewellery, footwear or adornment.



NB. Please speak to the school office regarding second-hand uniform.