St Philip's Catholic Primary School

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We learn Spanish at St Philip’s as it is the second most spoken language in the word.


Spanish is introduced from EYFS in spoken form. Children answer the register in Spanish.

 In Year 1 and 2 this continues and extends to a wider range of greetings, sometimes displaying the date on the board in Spanish beginning to count and name colours.

 We use the Language Angels scheme of work, which is a fully online resource enabling all teachers in all classes to have instant and continuous access to all the resources they need to teach whichever lesson they choose. Topics have been linked where possible to our wider curriculum.

 Below is an outline of the units we will cover throughout KS2. Each lesson will focus on a combination of the 5 key language learning skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar). 


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Colours and Numbers


Nursery Rhymes




The seasons KS1

Greetings & Phonetics 1 and 2

Presenting Myself

What is the date?

Habitats (Progressive version)

I'm Learning Spanish


World War II

At School

I can…


Do you have a pet?

The Weekend


Musical Instruments

At The Café

The Planets


The Olympics 


The Classroom

The Tudors

Healthy Lifestyles

The Romans

Habitats (Intermediate Version)

The weather

Me in the World


*Core Vocabulary lessons cover: Classroom Commands; Colours; Days Of The Week; Maths Calculations; Months Of The Year; Numbers 1 – 100; Maths Calculations.